Urban Buzz Factor Artist Spotlight: Officially GP is Officially Back

officially GP

Cleveland – Up and coming artist Officially GP (you may know him as “Get Paper”) has lived more life than most ever will. Growing up on the east side of Cleveland, Ohio, GP is no stranger to hard work and struggle. In fact, life’s many woes recently landed him behind bars for all of seven years. But, life’s about to change for the budding star who is ready to release his newest mixtape and debut the genius lyrics he penned while incarcerated.

Influenced by hip hop moguls like Jay Z and Tupac, Officially GP is captivated by the authenticity behind their music. “They’re actually living it,” says the artist, “They’re actually going through the struggle they’re speaking on.” That same authenticity is what GP aims for in his own music. Eager to “keep it real,” the rapper pulls no punches in his thought-provoking and smart lyrics. Unafraid of saying what’s on his mind and speaking his truth, the artist is ready to leave it all out on the table. His motivation is bigger than himself, and his talent is at the heart of his message. “I want to be in the position where when I speak, millions listen,” confesses Officially GP, “Being able to leave a message behind. Where if something were to happen to me and all that was left was my music, people could listen and it could effect their lives.” GP is leaving quite the legacy, and he’s starting with his latest project, a mixtape entitled 2035. The tape is part of a series that chronicles the artist’s seven years behind bars, a project called Life After 7. The tape’s title, 2035, is a nod to the amount of days he spent in prison.

When asked about what was likely a troubling, difficult time, Officially GP admits that it led to self-reflection and hours and hours of writing. With thousands of pages full of rhymes, lyricism was GP’s escape from years in isolation. “When you’re sitting behind bars, your mind is more open,” says the artist, “You are more in tune with yourself, you get in your zone.”

Officially GP is a free man, but he’s still in his zone, and his music is ready to make its mark on hip hop.

Follow GP on social media:

Twitter: @GpOfficially

Instagram: @officiallygp/


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